The 68HC11A1, 68HC11E1 are ROMless parts The 68HC11A8, 68HC11E9 are ROM parts and these parts are programmed by Motorola factory with customers' application programs. The 68HC711E9 is an OTP EPROM part and you can program it only once with your application program by yourself. The 68HC711E9FS is a window EPROM part and you can re-program it after it's erased by UV light. If you disable the internal ROM of the 68HC11E9 it becomes a 68HC11E1. If you disable the internal EPROM of the 68HC711E9 or 68HC711E9FS it becomes a 68HC11E1. If you disable the internal ROM of the 68HC11A8 it becomes a 68HC11A1. The Motorola EVB board comes with a 68HC11A1 running in expanded mode and BUFFALO monitor is in an external EPROM. Port B and C are address and data ports and they are replaced by a 68HC24. The Motorola EVBU board comes with a special 68HC11E9 that has BUFFALO monitor in its internal ROM. It runs in single chip mode and allows you download a small program into its internal RAM to run. Your program size is very small, but you still can use port B and port C as I/O ports. It also can run in expanded mode if it's internal ROM is diabled by programming its Config register with $0D in test mode. If internal ROM is not disabled it will run the internal BUFFALO monitor, not the monitor on the EVBU board. Some EVBU boards come with a 68HC11E9 with its internal ROM disabled, so it becomes a 68HC11E1 and runs in expanded mode. You can download your program into external RAM. Your program size can be larger, but you lose port B and port C. Basically the 68HC11E9 is the same as the 68HC11E1 chip. Believe it or not, since 2000, Motorola sells the 68HC11E9 with its internal ROM disabled as a 68HC11E1. Every 68HC11E1 chip now is actually a 68HC11E9 comes with BUFFALO monitor in internal ROM, but it’s disabled. Our EVBplus2 and FOX11 boards will work with A1, E1 or E9 with its internal ROM disabled or 711E9 with its internal EPROM disabled.