Amicalola Falls Sp
Day: 0
Mileage: -8.3
04/14/96 3:43 pm
In the park's Thru Hiker shelter and just signed the register there (the park office has been closed since my arrival so I can't sign the official one yet).
It is a beautiful day here, actually a little too warm to hike. Well it is almost 4pm, I guess I'll go to the office and see if they are opened yet......
4:11 pm
Just got back from the official sign-in book signing. There were 22 names in the book since the 12th.. most thru hikers!
On the plaque outside the Max B Epperson Sr. Trail Shelter......
A Tribute to Max
by Margaret Logan, May 18, 1992
For many a mile, up and down,
This man, who was not of great renown,
Has walked this famous Trail.
With aching joints and blisters he would prevail.
The trees, flowers, wild animals, and fresh air
Made him feel that he had not a care.
His family knew when the trail was on his mind
That he would find a way to join his own kind.
Now that he has gone to that long trail in the sky,
We know it's not necessary to ask, "Why?"
As a fitting tribute to Max, the man,
We want to dedicate this shelter so they all can
Share in his eternal joy,
Every man, woman, girl, and boy,
That this Trail may forever stand
A lasting tribute to a wonderful man - Max Epperson
7:45 pm
Had a dinner of Clam Chowder, crackers, mom's zucchini cake and canned pears.
Had three people figure out I am a long distance hiker since last entry and two read the trail log and saw my computer and figured me out quick.
One log entry cracked me up 'My pack is too heavy HELP!', I can see why, in the official register they ask pack weight and some had 90 lbs! Yea, I expect to see them down the trail.
Right now having a campfire, it is quiet since most of the day users are gone.
Campfire Ashes went in the first fire on the trail!!
Springer Mt. Shelter
Day: 1
Mileage: .2
04/15/96 6:54 pm

Miles from Springer | Features | Elevation |
-8.3 | Base of Amicalola Falls (2,150')...600+stairs | 2150 |
-7.6 | Amicalola Lodge Road (2,550') | 2550 |
-7.4 | +Len Foote Hike Inn Trail (2,600') | 2600 |
-7.2 | USFS 46 (2,580')...log steps on north side | 2580 |
-5.6 | High Shoals Road (2,800') | 2800 |
-4 | Frosty Mountain (3,382') | 3382 |
-3.7 | USFS 46, Frosty Mountain Road (3,192') | 3192 |
-3.4 | +Len Foote Hike Inn (3,310') | 3310 |
-2.8 | USFS 28, Nimblewill Gap (3,100') | 3100 |
-1.8 | Black Mountain (3,600') | 3600 |
-1.5 | Black Gap Shelter (3,300')...7.3mS; 1.9mN | 3300 |
0 | Springer Mountain (3,782')...A.T. bronze plaque, register in rock | 3782 |
0.2 | Springer Mountain Shelter(3,730')?1.9mS; 3mN Benton MacKaye Trail (southern terminus) | 3730 |
Hiked 8.3 miles
Woke at 6:45am out of camp (with breakfast and all) at 8:00am not bad.
Pack weight is 57 lbs according to scale (w all food/ fuel and water).
At Black Gap shelter 12:28 pm to eat lunch and relax before Springer. Met my first hiking companion while stopped for lunch. We ended up hiking to Springer together.
When we got to Springer (and the 2 plaques and the FIRST WHITE BLAZE) at 2:30 just when it started to rain.
I am now sitting bull shitting with 4 other thru hikers and having a great time. People who understand the what's and why's!
I survived the first day!!
04/16/96 ~9am
During the night we had a grand old time fighting off the mice. everything I read and didn't beleive is TRUE!
Also we had SNOW last night!
I am now back at the beginning (Springer) to catch the cold view and to sign the register.
Hawk Mt. Shelter
Day: 2
Mileage: 7.7

Miles from Springer | Features | Elevation |
0.2 | Springer Mountain Shelter(3,730')?1.9mS; 3mN Benton MacKaye Trail (southern terminus) | 3730 |
1 | USFS 42, Big Stamp Gap (3,350') | 3350 |
1.9 | Benton MacKaye Trail (3,430') | 3430 |
2.8 | Stover Creek Shelter (2,870')?3mS; 5.7mN | 2870 |
3.8 | Stover Creek (2,660') | 2660 |
4.2 | Benton MacKaye Trail (2,580') | 2580 |
4.3 | USFS 58, Three Forks (2,530') | 2530 |
5.2 | Side trail to Long Creek Falls, junction with Benton MacKaye and Duncan Ridge trails (2,800') | 2800 |
6.2 | USFS 251, Hickory Flats (3,000')? picnic pavilion, cemetery | 3000 |
7.4 | Hawk Mountain Campsite (3,250')? new 2016 | 3250 |
8.1 | Hawk Mountain Shelter (3,200')?5.7mS; 8mN | 3200 |
04/16/96 3:49 pm
Even though I woke up to snow, it turned out to be a great day! Perfect hiking weather with the sun out and a good cold breeze. Met all sorts of the hikers today including Waldo who will be carrying a laptop and video camera, and already has a cell phone, which is in use right now. Also ran into about 6 others.
Heard stories about a guy with annother 90+ lb pack.
It is now a running joke that I am the ONLY one who hiked up from the visitors center to the top of the falls, G-d I wish I took the advice in the Thru Hikers Handbook.
Since it is so early and so nice I took the opportunity to do my first wash. I am glade I took my 'Washing Machine'.
I am getting into the 'Thru Hikers Social Seen' and loving it, you meet all sorts of interesting people.
Waldo's web page is And with luck I will be on that too.
Definition: Blaze Blind - someone who walks by trail markers and blazes without seeing them. (also possibly the trail name of one of my companions)
04/17/96 9:15 am
Just about all packed up, No animals got into my stuff last night, although they were in the shelter. Did hear an owl outside in the middle of the night, I hope he got a mouse or two.
Last nights group was great, With Lisa (maybe aka Blind Blaze), her companion Grant, Waldo, Kevin and I made for a good group. There was annother hiker, 'Grim Creeper' who just freaked all of us out. She didn't talk and just stared, luckily she stayed in a tent behind the shelter.
Lisa and Grant made popcorn for the rest of us which was neat, and good, G-d they cook up a storm.
One equipment note: the mesh food bag is not working out, going to switch to two stuff sacks at the Center.
Medical condition: Stiff but ok, feet fine!
Justus Creek
Mileage: 13.6
04/17/96 2:15 pm
This hike has been a killer, down to Hightower Gap, then up then down to Horse Gap, then up to Sasafras Mtn, then to Copper Gap, back up to Justus Mtn and Phyllis Spur then to here. To top it off it is almost too nice. The sun has been beating down on me all day (not a cloud in the sky), but don't get me wrong it is better than hiking in the rain.
Taking a L..O..N..G break here but would like to get to next shelter sometime. I am going to do a major snack here before I go though.
Gooch Gap Shelter
Day: 3
Mileage: 16.1

Miles from Springer | Features | Elevation |
8.1 | Hawk Mountain Shelter (3,200')?5.7mS; 8mN | 3200 |
8.6 | USFS 42/69, Hightower Gap (2,854') | 2854 |
10.5 | Horse Gap (2,673') | 2673 |
11.5 | Sassafras Mountain (3,340') | 3340 |
12.2 | USFS 42/80, Cooper Gap (2,800') | 2800 |
12.9 | Justus Mountain (3,224') | 3224 |
14.3 | Justus Creek (2,550') | 2550 |
15.8 | Gooch Mountain Shelter (3,000')?8mS; 12.8mN | 3000 |
04/17/96 4:37 pm
Arrived after a grueling day!!!
04/17/96 8:33 pm
After dinner, free food from Lisa and Grant, and desert, I am feeling a little better. Sore and feel like 50, but at least I can move.
I think I am not going to try to do Blood mountain in one day, but to camp half way there and then make the Center the next day.
Trying my long sleeved ex-officio shirt tonight to see if it will help me sleep through the night.
Other than that, I have not dropped any gear, and have used almost all my clothing now (with the exception of my gators) which seems to tell me that I pegged my needs for the hike.
Met no new thru-hikers today. Waldo is 3 or 4 miles ahead, and Kevin is a few miles back (I think). Didn't see any entry for Wolverine and company, but it seems every time I turn around I see some of their gear or food at a shelter.
Slaughter Gap
Day: 4
Mileage: 27.4

Miles from Springer | Features | Elevation |
15.8 | Gooch Mountain Shelter (3,000')?8mS; 12.8mN | 3000 |
17.3 | USFS 42, Gooch Gap (2,821') | 2821 |
19.6 | Ramrock Mountain (3,260')?rock outcropping | 3260 |
21.1 | Ga. 60, Woody Gap (3,173')?picnic area, privy, springSuches, Ga. 30572 | 3173 |
22.1 | Big Cedar Mountain (3,737')?rock ledges | 3737 |
23.4 | Dan Gap (3,300') | 3300 |
24.3 | Lance Creek (3,050')?tent platforms | 3050 |
26.2 | Burnett Field Mountain (3,480') | 3480 |
26.7 | Jarrard Gap (3,250')?USFS Lake Winfield Scott Recreation Area | 3250 |
28.1 | Bird Gap, Freeman Trail (3,650') Woods Hole Shelter?12.8mS; 1.6mN | 3650 |
28.4 | Slaughter Creek Trail at Slaughter Creek Gap (3,790')?spring | 3790 |
04/18/96 7:29 pm
Hiked here from Gooch Gap Shelter (an amazing 11.3 miles). Camping out for the first time, I'll see how I like the bivy. A little worried about a forest fire in the area, how close I don't know.
Felt pretty good today except for some sun burn on my arms.
Almost out of TP but luckily there was a good stock of it at Woody Gap (Stress the WAS).
Met 4 new thru hikers and one thru pawing dog (Chelsea). Also met Harold and Helen(?) from the GATC and talked to both for a bit.
Stopped for dinner at a stream, decided to eat dinner at lunch since there might not have been water we're I plan to stay. Well there was anyway, but it helped me get thru the day.
Sitting here talking to Kevin and catching up.
Latter I found out two more official trail names. Lisa is 'Nomad', she did not like 'Blaze Blind' and Grant is 'The Purple Pirate' because almost everything he has is purple, or so it seems. Kevin is toying with 'Trail Snail', but he is not sure.
Now everyone has been talking about 'The Center' tomorrow, ice cream, new gear etc...should be fun but first Blood Mt.
Gear Note: had to work on my water filter today, it would not pump since the one way valve would not close, got it to work after abut 15 min of horsing around.
** US19- Walasi-Yi Center **
Day: 5
Mileage: 30.8

Miles from Springer | Features | Elevation |
28.5 | Slaughter Creek Campsite (3,800')? tent platforms | 3800 |
29.3 | Blood Mountain (4,461') Blood Mountain Shelter?1.6mS; 10.3mN | 4461 |
30.7 | Flatrock Gap(3,450') Trail to Byron Reece Memorial | 3450 |
31.7 | U.S. 19 & 129, Neel Gap (3,125') | 3125 |
04/19/96 11:17 am
Made it here, already starting to dry gear (hiked in rain and fog), had a GREAT! shower, and started laundry.
More latter......
04/19/96 4:18 pm
A poem from the Hostel:
Where the Sidewalk Ends
by Shel Silverstein
There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.
Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.
Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.
04/19/96 4:33 pm
Well it has been a hectic couple of hours since arriving. I repacked and checked my food, bought stuff (2 stuff sacks to replace my food sack, a waterproof sack for my brain, something to hold honey without leaking, and sunscreen). I also took a REAL SHOWER and did laundry! My gear is still drying out in the hostel (talk about pack EXPPLOSIONS). The people here are real helpful, they even told me how to fix my unreliable water filter and it works great now.
Waldo got his stuff (computer, digital camera and stuff and is fooling around with it. He was in the papers once already and I was able to read the story.
Lisa, Grant and Kevin are also here, so having a great layover. Thinking about getting a cab and going to town for Italian food later.
Called mom and dad just to check in. One bill screw up (direct withdrawal did not start in time for the hike), but they will take care of it for me)
Also called Joan and Walt and told them I am fine, almost forgot how busy the Troop is now, but everything is ok there.
Its good to have a part day off!!
04/20/96 9:34 am
Well we did not go for Italian as planed, but did get in for Chinese (except Lisa and Grant stayed behind). Clay, an employee of the center, gave us a ride into town and joined us along with the local ridge runner. Clay also stayed with us last night.
Had problems with my stomach and ear last night. My ear seems to have been helped with q-tips and my stomach just seems to be because of real food.