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Pictures and Schematics

Schematics and Plans: How to Build All This Stuff

The pages listed below (well, some of them) contain all the information necessary for contestants, hoobyists, terrorists, and just about anybody else who is interested to build his or her own track for competition, practice, or whatever.

Here is a topical index of the figures, divided into four sections as to content:


The following pictures of the board were taken with a digital camera:

Autocad Drawing

The Autocad drawing contains a complete description of the carpentry required to duplicate the playing surface. It should be used in conjunction with the two-dimensional figures for individual parts contained in the Carpentry subsection.

[Autocad screen capture]Click for larger picture

The objects have been colored according to the following convention:

Color Objects
Light gray Main board and frame
Blue Walls attached to the main board
Light green Mountain top supports
Yellow Mountain top (removable)
White The white line
Brown The building, horse, pavilion, and ramp
Pink The ATM button and mine door

Click Here to download the Autocad Release 13 drawing of the complete board.

Carpentry Figures

These are the pictures and schematics necessary for all of the carpentry involved in contructing the track (board, playing field, whatever) for the Driving Tour of KY:

  1. The Main Board and Its Components
  2. The Mountain's Ramp
  3. Under the Mountain -- the Mine
  4. The Mountaintop
  5. Building Corvette Country
  6. The Bluegrass Auction

these are the raw handmade drawings of the mine structure from early april... they will be computerized soon, to look like this one: tmp/mine1.fig.gif

  1. tmp/mine1.fixed.gif
  2. tmp/mine2.fixed.gif
  3. tmp/mine3.fixed.gif

Gadget Figures

These are the pictures and schematics for the electronic hardware and other gadgets on the track (board, playing field, whatever) for the Driving Tour of KY:

  1. Break-Beams --- Instructions
  2. Start Buzzer
  3. ATM - button
  4. Horse
  5. Sales Pavilion
  6. Thoroughbred Auction Scoring Circuit
  7. Spring-Door
  8. System Controller --- The Ultimate State Machine
  9. Board Output Encoder
  10. Board-to-Computer Adapter (The Penultimate Multiplexer)
  11. Parallel Port Connector

generated Thu Jun 18 02:41:07 1998 by mkhtmlindex version 1.1
